
I have kindly been nominated for The Blogger Recognition Award by the lovely Chloe. Her blog is about beauty and different aspects of lifestyle and fashion. So thankyou for nominating me! Here is her blog link.

The Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select 10 bloggers you want to give this award to.
  6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them, providing a link to the post you created.

How My Blog Started:

I started my blog in February 2016. I used to read other people’s blogs and it inspired me to create my own. I love being apart of the blogging community, and I love how kind and supportive everyone is no matter how many followers you have, and I wanted to make blog friends who share similar interests with me. My blog has grown so much throughout the months, and I can see how much my content has gone better. I am proud of my little blog.

Advise For New Bloggers:

My two top tips for new bloggers would be;

  • Just be yourself and have fun. Practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid if you feel like you can’t get the hang of things. We was all there at some point, and trust me you do get used to it. Make sure you also try and post weekly to keep things regular.
  • Make sure you connect with other bloggers. So follow blogs you love, and comment on their posts! The blogging community is very kind, so don’t be afraid of getting involved in twitter chats either. That is the best way to engage with other bloggers, and to maybe create life long friendships.

My Nominations:

All Things Lacquer
Lifestyle Boutique

Congrats on the nomination, and hope you enjoyed reading this post! Sorry for anyone I haven’t nominated, there are just too many amazing bloggers out there!

Jadey xx


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